//-------- 帝国网站管理系统”信息提示”语言包(前台)
'CreatePathFail'=>'Establishment of a directory is not successful, check that directory permissions。',
'DbError'=>'database errors',
'ErrorUrl'=>'the link does not exist',
'NotNextInfo'=>'There is no records ',
'NotCanPostUrl'=>'Please submit data from the web',
'CloseAddNews'=>'This function has been closed !',
'MustLast'=>'You choose the column is not an ultimate column (blue)',
'EmptyTitle'=>'Please input Title and content, and select column',
'AddNewsSuccess'=>'Thank you for your submission, we will be verify your information soon',
'CloseAddNewsTranpic'=>'The function is being closed, pictures can not upload',
'EmptyQMustF'=>'complete the information',
'HaveNotLevelQInfo'=>'You do not have the information management authority',
'ClassSetNotAdminQCInfo'=>'The column settings have examined the information cannot be management',
'ClassSetNotEditQCInfo'=>'This can only be set up columns editor unaudited information',
'ClassSetNotDelQCInfo'=>'The column settings can only remove unaudited information',
'ClassSetNotAdminQInfo'=>'The column settings contribute information cannot be management',
'ClassSetNotEditQInfo'=>'The column SUBMISSION OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, only editor',
'ClassSetNotDelQInfo'=>'The column set submission of information can only remove',
'EmptyQinfoCid'=>'plesae choose column',
'NotOpenCQInfo'=>'The column did not open submission',
'HaveNotLevelAQinfo'=>'You can not submit information ',
'HaveNotFenAQinfo'=>'your credit is not enough and can not submit information',
'AddQinfoSuccess'=>'submit success',
'EditQinfoSuccess'=>'modify information success',
'DelQinfoSuccess'=>'infomation being deleted',
'EmptyQTranFile'=>'please choose the file which you want to upload',
'NotQTranFiletype'=>'you can upload those file',
'CloseQTranPic'=>'photo upload is closed',
'TooBigQTranFile'=>'the file is a big one ',
'CloseQTranFile'=>'attachment upload is closed',
'CloseQAdd'=>'sumbittion is closed',
'HaveCloseWords'=>'messages have forbidden words('.$GLOBALS['msgclosewords'].').',
'ReIsOnlyF'=>' '.$GLOBALS['msgisonlyf'].' do not resubmit',
'NewMemberAddInfoError'=>'new user must wait '.$public_r['newaddinfotime'].' mimutes ',
'CrossDayInfo'=>'You today s submission number more than system limits',
'TranFail'=>'Please sure the directory permissions is 0777',
'QAddInfoOutTime'=>'The system of separation contribute '.$public_r[readdinfotime].' seconds,please retry later',
'QEditInfoOutTime'=>'information over '.$public_r[qeditinfotime].' minutes could not be revised',
'NotVote'=>'this vote is exit!',
'VoteOutTime'=>'The voting has expired. voting is not successful!',
'ReVote'=>'The IP voted, please do not repeat voting!',
'EmptyChangeVote'=>'At least select a vote ',
'NotChangeVote'=>'You don t have a vote',
'VoteSuccess'=>'Thank you for your vote',
'EmptyPl'=>'Please input content comments',
'EmptyPlMustF'=>'words '.$GLOBALS['msgmustf'].' is empty',
'PlOutTime'=>'The system is a comment interval
'.$public_r[pltime].' seconds',
'VoteOutTime'=>'The system limits on voting interval is '.$public_r[revotetime].' seconds',
'GbOutTime'=>'system limits in his message interval is '.$public_r[regbooktime].' seconds',
'HavePlCloseWords'=>'comments which contain illicit character',
'NotLevelToPl'=>'You are the members of the Group could not comment on',
'GuestNotToPl'=>'Visitors cannot comment on,please login',
'CloseClassPl'=>'The column closed comments function',
'CloseInfoPl'=>'The column closed comments function',
'AddPlSuccess'=>'Additional comments successful',
'PlSizeTobig'=>'system limited(limite '.$public_r[plsize].' KB)',
'EmptyGbookname'=>'Please input message name, email and content',
'AddGbookSuccess'=>'bulletin issued !',
'EmptyFeedbackname'=>'*The required',
'AddFeedbackSuccess'=>'Feedback successful!',
'AddErrorSuccess'=>'Thank you for your report, we will deal with this matter as soon as possible',
'EmptyErrortext'=>'Please input error report',
'EmptyGbook'=>'The Board does not exist',
'EmptyFeedback'=>'This message does not exist',
'DoForPlGSuccess'=>'Thank you for your support',
'DoForPlBSuccess'=>'Thank you for your comments',
'ReDoForPl'=>'You have submitted',
'AddInfoPfen'=>'Thank you for your evaluation',
'DoDiggGSuccess'=>'Thank you for your support',
'DoDiggBSuccess'=>'Thank you for your support',
'ReDigg'=>'You have submitted',
'NotOpenFBFile'=>'The system has not opened file upload',
'NotLevelToClass'=>'You are the members of the Group did not have permissions to access the column',
'CloseRegister'=>'Managers have been close the registertion',
'EmptyMember'=>'User Name, Password and Email cannot be empty',
'FaiUserlen'=>'User Name length was wrong',
'FailPasslen'=>'Password digit inadequate or too long',
'NotRepassword'=>'2nd password is not a consensus',
'EmailFail'=>'Your Email was wrong!',
'ReEmailFail'=>'The mailbox has been registered',
'RegisterReIpError'=>'The same IP did not duplicate registration',
'RegHaveCloseword'=>'User name contains characters disable',
'NotSpeWord'=>'User name cannot contain special characters',
'ReUsername'=>'this username is in use!',
'LoginToRegister'=>'you are being login',
'RegisterSuccess'=>'successful registration',
'RegisterSuccessCheck'=>'successful registration, please wait for an administrator of the audit',
'NotEmpty'=>'*The required',
'FailOldPassword'=>'The password is incorrect, you cannot modify',
'EditInfoSuccess'=>'Successful change!',
'NotLogin'=>'You are not login!',
'NotSingleLogin'=>'The same account only one person online at the same time!',
'NotCheckedUser'=>'Your account has not yet approved',
'ExitSuccess'=>'Quit system success!',
'EmptyLogin'=>'User Name and Password cannot be empty',
'FailPassword'=>'Your username or password was wrong!',
'LoginSuccess'=>'Log on!',
'NotCookie'=>'Registration is not successful, please confirm your cookie is opened!',
'MoreFava'=>'your favorite has expired, increased collection is not successful',
'AddFavaSuccess'=>'Add Favorite successful',
'ReFava'=>'This collection links have been in existence',
'NotDelFavaid'=>'Select the Favorites you want to remove',
'DelFavaSuccess'=>'Remove Favorites successful',
'EmptyFavaClassname'=>'Please enter the Category Name',
'AddFavaClassSuccess'=>'Increased category successful',
'EditFavaClassSuccess'=>'modify category successful',
'EmptyFavaClassid'=>'Select the classification you want to remove',
'DelFavaClassSuccess'=>'Remove category successful',
'NotChangeMoveCid'=>'Select the classification you want to transfer ',
'NotMoveFavaid'=>'Please choose at least one Favorites to transfer ',
'MoveFavaSuccess'=>'transfer favorite successful',
'EmptyGetCard'=>'Please input info for the user name, Card Number and Password',
'DifCardUsername'=>'username is not the same!',
'ExiestCardUsername'=>'Your user name does not exist. check the user name ',
'CardPassError'=>'You can enter the full value or password is wrong. Sufficient not successful!',
'CardGetFenSuccess'=>'Congratulations! Sufficient successful',
'CardGetFenError'=>'Database busy, later to sufficient, thank you!',
'CardOutDate'=>'This has been overdue and value is not successful',
'FailKey'=>'Authentication Code is not correct',
'OutKeytime'=>'Authentication Code expired',
'EmptyMsg'=>'Please input title, content and send objectives',
'MsgToself'=>'cannot be issued to its own!',
'MoreMsglen'=>'Content is too long, sending is not successful',
'MsgNotToUsername'=>'Recipient account does not exist!',
'UserMoreMsgnum'=>'recipient short message has expired, sending is successful!',
'AddMsgSuccess'=>'Send Messages successful!',
'SelfMoreMsgnum'=>'Your message has expired, conservation is not successful!',
'AddOutmsgSuccess'=>'message has been saved to the author box!',
'EmptyDelMsg'=>'Select message to remove',
'DelMsgSuccess'=>'Delete message successful',
'HaveNotMsg'=>'This information does not exist',
'HaveNotEnLevel'=>'Insufficient permissions',
'NotUsername'=>'This account does not exist',
'NotLevelShowInfo'=>'You do not have sufficient permissions to view information',
'NotLevelMemberList'=>'You do not have sufficient permissions to view the membership list',
'EmptyFriend'=>'Please input your name',
'NotFriendUsername'=>'This account does not exist',
'AddFriendSuccess'=>'Add Friend successful',
'EditFriendSuccess'=>'friends change Successful ',
'EmptyFriendId'=>'Select a friend to remove',
'DelFriendSuccess'=>'friends delete successful',
'NotAddFriendSelf'=>'can not add yourself',
'ReAddFriend'=>'The user in your friends stuck',
'NotChangeSpaceStyleId'=>'Select a space template to set up ',
'ChangeSpaceStyleSuccess'=>'Set up space template successful',
'SetSpaceSuccess'=>'set up information space success',
'CloseMemberSpace'=>'Members have been closed space function',
'EmptyMemberGbook'=>'Please input nickname and content',
'AddMemberGbookSuccess'=>'write info completed',
'NotDelMemberGbookid'=>'Select the message to remove ',
'DelMemberGbookSuccess'=>'Delete message successful',
'EmptyReMemberGbook'=>'Please input the message to reply',
'ReMemberGbookSuccess'=>'message reply completed',
'EmptyMemberFeedback'=>'Please input contact, information Title and content',
'AddMemberFeedbackSuccess'=>'Information submitted successfully',
'NotDelMemberFeedbackid'=>'Select the feedback to remove',
'DelMemberFeedbackSuccess'=>'Remove successful',
'EmptyGetPassword'=>'user name and email',
'ErrorGPUsername'=>'The user name and email is wrong',
'CloseGetPassword'=>'Web Site has been closed to recover the password function',
'SendGetPasswordEmailSucess'=>'Mail have Sent and to log on your email certification and password',
'GPOutTime'=>'Links have been overdue',
'GPErrorPass'=>'parameter is incorrect, not pass the test',
'GetPasswordSuccess'=>'Get Password successful',
'ActUserSuccess'=>'Account has been successful activation',
'SendActUserEmailSucess'=>'Activate account mail sent go the Login Email Account to activate',
'SearchNotRecord'=>'There is no result of the relevant content',
'SearchOutTime'=>'Search time interval '.$public_r[searchtime].' seconds',
'EmptyKeyboard'=>'input the keywords',
'MinKeyboard'=>'The the key search only be'.$public_r[min_keyboard].'~'.$public_r[max_keyboard].' worda',
'NotLevelToSearch'=>'You are the members of the Group has no authority with a search function',
'FailDownpass'=>'Download Code does not verify correct, refresh download page, and then click Download.',
'ExiestSoftid'=>'The downloads does not exist',
'MustSingleUser'=>'At the same time only one person can online, please log in',
'NotDownLevel'=>'Your membership level inadequate and not download the software of the Authority!',
'NotEnoughFen'=>'Your points are insufficient to download the software',
'CrossDaydown'=>'today You are of the number and watching over system limits',
'CloseGetDown'=>'There is no direct opening download',
'NotChangeProduct'=>'The goods does not exist',
'MustEnterSelect'=>'*The required',
'EmptyBuycar'=>'Your Cart is empty',
'NotPsid'=>'This delivery method does not exist',
'NotPayfsid'=>'This payment does not exist',
'NotProductForBuyfen'=>'You do not supported by the commodity purchase points',
'NotEnoughFenBuy'=>'Your points not sufficient, can not buy use the number of points commodities',
'NotLoginTobuy'=>'You are not login, you cannot use this payment methods',
'NotEnoughMoneyBuy'=>'Your account balance is not enough and unable to purchase goods',
'AddDdSuccess'=>'Orders submit successful.',
'AddDdSuccessa'=>'Orders submit successful.',
'AddDdAndToPaySuccess'=>'Orders submit successful,link to payment platform...',
'FenNotFp'=>'use points to purchase there is not supply invoices',
'NotShopDdId'=>'This order nonentity',
'ShopDdIdHavePrice'=>'this order is being pay',
'SchallNotRecord'=>'There is no result of the relevant content',
'SchallOutTime'=>'The System for Search time interval '.$public_r[schalltime].' seconds',
'EmptySchallKeyboard'=>'Please input search keywords',
'SchallMinKeyboard'=>'The system can only be the key search'.$public_r[schallminlen].'~'.$public_r[schallmaxlen].' words',
'SchallNotOpenTitleText'=>'System Is Not Open title + text at the same time search',
'SchallNotOpenTitle'=>'Search System Is Not Open title',
'SchallNotOpenText'=>'system is not open the full text search',
'SchallClose'=>'The search has been closed',
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